Oracle OVAL Example5.10.12009-01-12T10:41:00-05:00 Integrigy Corporation - Mike Miller 2017 - for testing and demonstration purposes only.Is database auditing enabled?Auditing can be set to none | os | db [, extended] | xml [, extended] . If set to none, auditing is not enabled.CIS Oracle 11gR2 Benchmark - control 2.2.2Users with default passwords and account status openUsers who exist in dba_users_with_defpwdCIS Oracle 11gR2 Benchmark - control 1.2oracle11.2.0user=;password=;SID=select count(*) thevalue
from v$parameter
where lower(name) = 'audit_trail'
and (lower(value) != 'none' or value is not null)oracle11.2.0user=;password=;SID=select count(*) thecount
from sys.dba_users
where username in (select username from sys.dba_users_with_defpwd)
and account_status = 'OPEN'oracle1oracle1