AppSentry Listener Security Check is a tool to check the security configuration of the Oracle Database Listener and listeners for Oracle E-Business Suite.  Four checks are performed --
  1. is a password set,
  2. is logging enabled,
  3. is ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS enabled, and
  4. is LOCAL_OS_AUTHENTICATION set for Oracle 10g.

Also, there is a tool to enumerate the databases (SIDs) for a Listener. Lsnrcheck.exe is a stand-alone Windows 7/Vista/2000/XP executable that does not require installation nor any Oracle client software to be installed. It may be run from a USB key or bootable CD-ROM. It is best to save the lsnrcheck.exe file to your desktop or other convenient location for easy access. Click the link below and select 'Save' or 'Save File'.

Download lsnrcheck.exe (754KB)

Modification History

Version 2.2
  • Added tnsnames.ora security check that checks all the entries in a tnsnames.ora file
  • Added a tool to generate TNS entries and JDBC connect strings from enumerated SIDs
Version 2.1
  • Minor performance improvements
Version 2.0
  • All new tool with many new features and improvements


File lsnrcheck.exe736.5 KB