Title Summary File
Real-life Oracle E-Business Suite Security Mistakes

OAUG COLLABORATE 2011 - You did everything by the book, followed the database security checklists, and implemented security best practices, but...

Security Resources File
Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2011 Pre-Release Analysis

Here is a brief analysis of the pre-release announcement for the...

Building an Audit Trail in an Oracle Applications Environment

Sarbanes-Oxley’s section 404 requires a company’s key systems be audited. However, many companies have 'unauditable' systems and don’t even know...

Security Resources File
Oracle Applications Password Decryption

Most Oracle Applications 11i implementations are vulnerable to a significant security weakness in the encryption of passwords within the...

Security Resources File
Oracle Applications 11i Encrypted Password Disclosure

An undisclosed security vulnerability exists in Oracle Applications 11i that may allow an unauthenticated, internal attacker to obtain Oracle...

Integrigy Guide to Auditing and Logging in Oracle E-Business Suite

Most Oracle E-Business Suite implementations do not fully take advantage of the auditing and logging features. These features are sophisticated...

Security Resources File
Oracle Critical Patch Update - October 2005 - E-Business Suite Impact

Oracle today released its fourth Critical Patch Update (October 2005). The patches contained in the Critical Patch Update will correct numerous...

Security Advisories
Information Disclosure through Default Apache Scripts

As part of a default Apache installation, two default cgi-bin scripts, printenv and test-cgi, are installed. Oracle has included these scripts in...

Security Advisories
Internet Connected Applications and Search Engines

Oracle E-Business Suite self-service applications are often connected to the Internet for direct access by customers, suppliers, and employees....

Security Advisories
Oracle Reports Server APPS Password Disclosure

The Oracle Reports Server may disclose the current APPS password. Oracle Reports Server is installed as part of the default installation and is...

Security Advisories
