Title Summary File
What Mode of Oracle 12c Unified Auditing Are You Using and Default Auditing Policies?

Continuing our blog series on Oracle 12 Unified Auditing, how do you know what mode of Unified Auditing that you are using? Use the following SQL...

Oracle Security Blog
What Is Oracle Release 12c Unified Auditing?

In Oracle 12c, a new database auditing foundation has been introduced.  Oracle Unified Auditing changes the fundamental auditing...

Oracle Security Blog
Oracle Database Last Logins with Oracle 12c

Tracking when database users last logged in is a common security and compliance requirement – for example to reconcile users and identify stale...

Oracle Security Blog
Logging Oracle Database Link Activity

A database link is a one-way connection between two databases.  Starting with Oracle version, database session information now...

Oracle Security Blog
Logging Actual Application User Names for Oracle E-Business Suite, SAP, PeopleSoft, and OBIEE

Knowing which person, not just which database account, has been a challenge for database logging and auditing when working with enterprise...

Oracle Security Blog
Oracle 12c Unified Auditing Webinar

Unified Auditing was introduced with the release of Oracle 12c and changes how Oracle database logging and auditing is accomplished.  In...

Security Resources File
Oracle 12c Unified Auditing

In Oracle 12c, a new database auditing foundation has been introduced.  Oracle Unified Auditing changes the fundamental auditing...

Security Resources File
Oracle 12c Real Application Security and Standard Database Auditing - Warning Database Logins Not Logged

Oracle 12c introduces several major new security features. Data redaction is one new feature and Real Application Security (RAS) is another....

Oracle Security Blog
UTL_FILE_DIR Security Weakness: Why and How To Use Oracle Directories

UTL_FILE_DIR is the database initialization parameter the Oracle Database uses to determine what operating system directories and files PL/SQL...

Oracle Security Blog
Trusting Privileged Users, DBMS_SQLHASH, and Three Misconceptions about Encryption

Clients often contact Integrigy requesting assistance to protect their sensitive data. Frequently these are requests for assistance to locate and...

Oracle Security Blog
